When Eloping Leave No Trace ~ Respect Your Happy Place

At Elope Outdoors, we understand the importance of preserving the beauty of our natural surroundings. When planning your outdoor hiking elopement, we take “Leave No Trace” principles to heart. Being prepared will make your elopement more fun, safer and will keep you from damaging your favorite outdoor places.
Here are some essential tips that we ask you to follow with us to ensure we leave the wilderness as pristine as we found it.
  1. Prepare for the Unexpected: Nature can be unpredictable, so it’s important to equip ourselves for extreme weather, hazards, and emergencies. Safety is a priority, so be sure to check the weather as well on your day and bring cold gear or whatever seems appropriate and we will also make the effort to share that with you too.
  2. Choose the Right Time: To minimize our impact and enjoy a more intimate experience, we schedule our elopements to avoid peak usage times. This ensures a quieter, more serene connection with nature.
  3. Travel in Small Groups/low guest count: We believe in keeping our elopements intimate and personal. When exploring the great outdoors, we prefer small groups and keeping your guest count to a small number (less than 10, though just the couple is ideal). This reduces our footprint and lessens our impact on the environment.
  4. Reduce Waste: Avoid packaging when possible to avoid unnecessary trash. Consider bringing a handkerchief over tissues that might fly around in the mountain air. It’s a small effort with a significant impact. Also, don’t lose your food to wildlife. Securely store food, trash and PACK OUT WHAT YOU PACK IN! Leave no trace.
  5. Transportation Tactics: Carpooling will reduce trailhead congestion and fuel consumption. If you are bringing guests along we strongly advise one or two vehicles max.
  6. Respect Wildlife: The nature spaces in Asheville are home to many animals, and we are visitors to their home. Park animals thrive on natural food; human food doesn’t sustain them through winter. Keep them healthy by avoiding feeding and keep a respectful distance.
  7. Be Considerate:  Minimize noise and leash pets. Preserve the peaceful atmosphere by keeping voices lower.


Pack In, Pack Out

Most importantly – Pack in & Pack out! No throwing food or drink in the woods.

This should be obvious but perhaps in the hustle and bustle of the day it’s easier to lose sight of it.

Please pay attention and bring your trash home and off the trails.

Please leave these items at home:
– No Arches or arbors
– No Petals , stones, rice, etc, (do not bring to throw on the ground)
– No music in public spaces (respect other visitors, plus music never sounds good on a mini-speaker)
– No platforms, big tables, or anything large or bulky
-No candles, hot branding with a torch or otherwise, open flames, etc.
– No attaching ribbons, flowers, balloons to items (no balloons in general)
Please leave what you find in nature on the trail!
Do not take rocks, leaves, or even dirt with you!
Respect the areas nature and history: leave everything as you find it, including plants and artifacts.
Capture memories with photos, poetry, or sketches, and let others enjoy the natural beauty too.
Leave only footprints, take only memories!
Enjoy the Mountains & Leave No Trace,
The Elope Outdoors Team

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